Permanently Cancel Premium Membership Account

I’m sorry to see you go. It is understandable that every person has different confort levels when it comes to trading. Hopefully you have given this some thought before deciding on cancelling.

Of course unforeseen circumstances befall us all, and situations out of our control happen. In such cases, I hope that all is well with you and yours.

I wish to thank you, in any case, for the time you have spent with us. Your business is appreciated and I hope that I may be of service to you in the future.

May you have much success in your life!

To Cancel:

Please send email by clicking here.

Please make the Subject: PM Cancellation Request

Include the following in the message:

Please cancel my Premium Membership effective immediately. I have read the details and acknowledge that I will be forfeiting my locked-in membership rate.

Please do not assume your account is cancelled until you receive confirmation by email. Allow at least 24 hours for notification. Please note that all dues accessed prior to receiving your cancellation request, even if done hours ago, are not refundable as per your Membership Agreement. Membership dues cease at the time ProfitMax receives your cancellation request.