Trading E-Books

Provided by ProfitMax Trading, Inc.

What are E-Books? E-Books are ‘electronic’ versions that can be downloaded onto your computer for immediate viewing. They cost less to purchase than their ‘paper’ counterparts because there are no associated printing or shipping fees required to distribute them. To protect the product from being copied and distributed, a password will need to be purchase to unlock the material for viewing.

Click here or on book cover to download

Fibonacci Time & Price Techniques

Learn about the Fibonacci ratios and how they can help you locate the price and time where market turns occur. Find out how to use several Fibonacci techniques to narrow down entry points. This E-Book deals with using Fibonacci ratios to determine support and resistance price levels, and to calculate time targets. Examples are provided at the end of the E-Book on using both for trading.

Price $29 US

Ordering Instructions: To order an E-Book listed on this page, you need to download the E-Book first onto your hard drive. The E-Book is an Executable (.exe) file and can be ran like any other computer program. Simply locate the file on your hard drive (should be where you saved it) and either double-click on it or run it from your Windows Start | Run box (requires you type in the complete path to the file). After reading one or more pages, it will stop and ask for a password to continue. A number will be provided that you will need to send us with your order (there is a place on the order form to place this number). Click on the link below to place your order, making sure to provide us with the Password Number provided by the E-Book. Once your order has been processed, we will send you your E-Book password to use when you run the E-Book again. Once the password has been entered, it will not ask for this again for as long as this E-Book remains on your computer.